
What to Expect:

Visiting a new church for the first time can be scary and intimidating. We understand that because at one time or another we’ve all been the first-time visitor. Some of those experiences have been good, others not so much. (And we’re sorry for any previous negative experiences you’ve had with church or church people!)

We promise to do everything in our ability to make your experience at Hillside a positive one, in which you feel genuinely welcomed, cared for. God has called us to a live a life of hope, meaning, and purpose, and we can’t wait to share that with you.

With all that in mind, here are a few things to help you know what to expect and hopefully put your mind at ease . . .

  • First, thank you for considering visiting Hillside. If you come to check things out you can expect to be greeted and warmly welcomed when you first arrive and by several others throughout your visit.
  • Second, our worship service lasts a little under an hour. We promise you won’t be bored! We strive week in and week out to provide quality, powerful praise and worship music and solid biblical teaching that’s practical and relevant to your life. Our worship style is a blended mix of contemporary and traditional, but we lean more toward contemporary. You are free and welcome to raise your hands, clap, shout . . . or not. Worship as you feel comfortable and moved by the Holy Spirit.
  • Third, we promise that no one will publicly call you out or embarrass you by pointing you out as a visitor. So relax, sit back, participate as you wish and are comfortable in doing so, and see what God has for you.
  • Finally, we also promise that while Hillside is a very safe, friendly, welcoming community full of great people who love God and each other, we’re striving to proclaim and live out a very dangerous message–the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Our vision and passion is to be fully devoted disciples of Jesus living in authentic community. This might seem strange or even make you feel uncomfortable at first. But stick around. God wants to take you on an incredible adventure of discovering a life in Jesus.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Yes! Hillside is part of the Missionary Church, an evangelical denomination committed to worldwide discipleship, church planting, and missions.
However you feel comfortable! We believe God cares more about what’s in your heart than what’s on your back, so come as you are and join us for worship! Our pastor is usually in a pair of blue jeans.
Yes! Our Nursery is for ages 2 and under and is a clean, safe, well-staffed environment for your kids.
Yes! Children’s Church is for Ages 2 through 5th Grade, and goes the entire length of the worship service. Check-in for kids’ church opens at 10:30am.
Expect to be greeted and welcomed warmly by several different people throughout your visit. These friendly folks can help direct you to where you can find important things like restrooms, childcare, Sunday School classrooms, and coffee. Then we invite you to simply enjoy and participate with us in worship!
Our in-person service starts at 10:45am.